Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Dreams and ROI

Wow. This is wonderful. I haven't listened to this recording in a long time. It's totally wonderful. I especially like "Timid Freda" and "My Death."

Anyway, I am back to reading "How to Survive and Prosper as an Artist: Selling Yourself Without Selling Your Soul." I still think that a couple of paragraphs on rejecting artist myths is not enough. But maybe that's another book. After dissing art shows and competitions as ways to sell art work, Caroll Michels goes on to laud museum curators, of all people, in the chapter called "Exhibitions and Sales Opportunities." She certainly makes it sound possible to approach them anywhere in any form they appear. I always thought museums were just for established artists, but not so apparently.

Actually, Carol dispells myths throughout the book as she matter-of-factly points out the good and bad markets and the good and bad ways to go about selling art works. I'm overwhelmed by the numerous lists of resources. I may just run out of excuses to not sell anything. I see myself creating that exhibit I've only dreamed of over at the local fine art museum.

Dreams. Nothing gives you a better return on your money.

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