Friday, December 26, 2003

making art

Well, it's all about doing it and growing and changing. I'm in a rought spot now. Transitional I guess. but I keep plugging away waiting for the damn to break. I'm on my way to a new direction. Nothing satisfies me. This is the hard part. At this point I begin to doubt myself. I have given up in the past but now I can remember that it's just a transitional period and it passes -- as long as I keep working.

Sorry for the gap in posting. It was Christmas. I was on the road a lot visiting. It was great!

Tonight I feel like partying but no parties to go to. This is the result of being on my own a lot and avoiding others. When the time comes I'm alone. I made a couple of phone calls but no one had any parties to suggest. Oh, well.

I know I posted about this earlier. I should look it up . If I could predict when I would be like this I could plan ahead! Let me know if there are any parties tomorrow. I might still feel this way!

As to art, yes, I am working. On my web site, on a piece that's about fog and random skies. It's very dreamy. I'm also gearing up to do some commercial writing. I like writing -- which you probably can't tell by the amount I post here. I do a lot of unpublished writing. It's a creative outlet but it's also something I like to do for work. I can be more businesslike about my writing for some reason. Art is my baby. Not sure about that. But I'll keep hacking away at it. Just keep coming back. We'll all learn something.


Anonymous said...

I like your journal. Keep writing.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your writing! I'll be back. As a baby-writer, I'm looking to learn.