Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Page Count: Still 80

It's not that I have no discipline. Not really. I went away for the weekend to a pagan festival and had such a good time that I didn't come back for two weeks. Physically it was just a weekend. Emotionally it was two weeks. For two weeks I threw an emotional tantrum and refused to do anything ... pretty much. Spent a lot of time mourning my lack of ideal life and dreams that will never come true.

I finally came around yesterday and got the script out and read it over. Man, have I forgotten a lot. Whoever said visit your characters every day was right!

In the meantime, I have discovered Patrick Horton who writes these really good articles on scriptwriting. I started answering the seven questions and got through five. They are tough questions and good questions. I had a small revelation about the screenplay story and why I'm writing it. So that's kind of sinking in.

Tomorrow I must write at least one page. At least.

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