Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Writing A Script: No Experience Necessary

It's nearly that time again: time to fall on the sword of inspiration and kill myself over a script. This year I have insurance, of sorts. I'm the Municipal Liaison for Script Frenzy. This means I round them up and point them in the right direction. While writing my own screenplay. I can't not finish. I would disappoint myself and them.

What's held me back in the past (I won one of the four previous attempts) is my inability to write with the same loose abandon of NaNoWriMo. I think it's the formatting. Or the structure. Or the strain of having to visualize. Or it could just be I have test anxiety or jump refusal (wait – that's horses).

Whatever! This year I'm going to have fun and screw the formatting, the plot, the characters, and the structure. For 30 glorious days I'm going to forget everything I've learned studying screenwriting and just go.

My (imaginary) scriptwriting editor is much more formidable than my novel writing editor. Actually, I think the scriptwriting editor is more like a guerilla street gang. I'm going to head them off at an alley, lead them over a cliff, and make sure I have my safety sneakers on.

You can too! Sign up now! No experience required. If you've ever seen a movie you can write a script! At least for the 30 days of Script Frenzy. No one said you had to show your script to anyone – ever. And what else are you doing? If you're the lenten type, this is a good way to fill in the time left vacant from giving up your favorite vice. The month will soar by and before you know it Easter will be here. Then you can celebrate by finishing your script.

See! Drivel is easy. Anyone can do it. And it's fun! Don't wait! Sign up now! (before sanity kicks in)
"Untitled Masterpiece", The Phantom of the Opera, masquerading as a cable guy, donates his fortune to a poor old woman by repeatedly fixing her cable for no charge.
Word Count Statistics
Goal: 100 pages
Today's Total: xxxx
Written Today: x

ps: For those of you who insist on formatting a script correctly, you can let Celtx do it for you. It's free! And easy to use! And it handles a bunch of formats, not just screenplays. There are still 63 hours before Screnzy begins. You can study up if you prefer to be prepared.

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