Thursday, December 1, 2011

Post-NaNoWriMo Musings or Life Goes On

I wrote a bit this morning. I have a goal of writing 2,000 words per day until and including the 10th. This will either get me to the end of the story or pretty close to it. If only close to it, I hope close enough to encourage me to finish before Christmas.

It's not the same, of course, as writing during NaNoWriMo. It's more serious when I'm not enjoying the insane company of others, even if only virtually. However, I have (again) concluded that this is my work and I am happier when I write. All is right with the universe when I'm working on a story.

I've learned about

  • ancient Celtic and Moroccan coins
  • the blue town of Chefchaouen
  • Numismatics (and how to spell it)
  • the proper care of old coins (don't clean them)
  • caves in the desert (even though I thought I made them up)
  • the three ways to properly perform a hajj
My progress over the month showing
daily word count relative to
suggested minimum.
Green is Good. Red is bad.
So, that's good. I've also learned that researching is part of the process more than it is a way to avoid writing. I would like to reread and collate chronologically all my NaNoWriMo posts over the years, to see how my process works exactly with a view to doing this on my own whether it's National Novel Writing Month or not. 

I wish there was a National Art Making Month. I could use a boost in that area as well. I suspect there may be a National Poetry Writing Month. I think I saw something about it on twitter over the summer. 

Well, one thing at a time. This month it's finishing my novel and this one seems especially suited to publication. But that's another goal.

"Uncle Tauber's Trunk" A retired writer and a CIA profiler riddle out the secrets of the contents of an old German trunk.
Total Words Written: 52,415
Daily Word Count Goal: 2000
Words written today: 2546

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