Tuesday, February 5, 2013

scribble text effects for breakfast

Fooled around and fell in love. Although, I'm sure it's just puppy love.
Fooled around with the Scribble effect, adding in the Appearance panel,
combining a gradient with texture, and modes in Transparency
Today's initial experiment with Scribble and
adding fill and line in the Appearance panel.
After fooling around with the scribble effect, layer transparencies, and gradients, I discovered the Scribble presets. Not all the descriptors are good. Childlike doesn't seem to be really child like. Tight is good, though. You can see my modification of it below. I varied the spacing a bit.
Steady on, captain! Nearly monochromatic palette might indicate
I've found a happy medium.
Nice to have a lined paper texture on file.
It was a good breakfast.

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